On Friday, May 2, 2025, we will host our annual NGAGA Golf Tournament to kick off our 77th Annual Conference. This year, our golf tournament will be held at Brown’s Mill Golf Course, 480 Cleveland Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30354. Registration opens at 7:30 AM. Breakfast and lunch will be served. It is our hope that you will consider supporting our golf tournament through one of our sponsor levels below.
The order form is at the bottom of the page. Limited opportunities are available.
A PDF document containing this information is also available for sharing offline.
Title Sponsor - $2,500 (One Available)
- Two foursomes ($800 value); includes breakfast, lunch, and golf for eight (8) plus beverages
- Opportunity to speak on podium prior to the tournament (2-3 minutes)
- Name/Logo will be featured on tournament signage
- Display signage with name/logo at one tee box with the opportunity to supply your own tent, table and giveaways at that tee box
- Name/logo on NGAGA website and social media channels
- Opportunity to clip one small paper promotional item onto steering wheels of all golf carts
- Opportunity to present prizes and awards at the end of the tournament
Lunch Sponsor - $500 (Two Available)
- Display signage with name/logo in lunch area
- Recognition from the podium prior to the tournament and at lunch
- Name/logo on NGAGA website and social media channels
Breakfast Sponsor - $300 (Two Available)
- Display signage with name/logo in breakfast area
- Recognition from the podium prior to the tournament
- Name/logo on NGAGA website and social media channels
Longest Drive Sponsor - $300 (One Available)
- Display signage with name/logo at sponsoring hole
- Recognition from the podium prior to the tournament
- Name/logo on NGAGA website and social media
Closest To The Pin Sponsor - $300 (One Available)
- Display signage with name/logo at sponsoring hole
- Recognition from the podium prior to the tournament
- Name/logo on NGAGA website and social media channels
Beverage Sponsor - $300 (Two Available)
- Display signage with name/logo on beverage cart
- Recognition from the podium prior to the tournament
- Name/logo on NGAGA website and social media channels
Hole Sponsor - $200 (Fifteen Available)
- Display signage with name/logo at tee box
- Name/logo on NGAGA website and social media channels
Door Prize Sponsor - min $100 value or up in gift cards, golf attire or equipment, etc.
- Recognition from the podium prior to awards and raffle prize giveaway
- Name/logo on NGAGA website