1. Classes, Qualifications, Requirements and Dues
Upon application, and acceptance, and payment of the prescribed dues, the Association will issue the following classes of membership (Dues are reviewed to reflect the needs of NGAGA and NGAUS annually.)
a. Active-Annual: Membership may be issued to a commissioned or warrant officer serving in the Georgia National Guard.
b. Active-Life: Membership may be issued to an Active-Annual member.
c. Retired-Life: Membership may be issued to a former member of the Association who is retired from the Georgia National Guard or who is eligible to be retired based on service in the Georgia National Guard.
d. Associate-Annual: Membership may be issued to any person who is interested in and dedicated to the purpose of the Association and who is not otherwise eligible for membership in the Association.
e. Associate-Life: Membership may be issued to any person who has an interest in and who is dedicated to the purpose of the Association and who is not otherwise eligible for membership in the Association.
f. Corporate: Membership may be issued to any company, firm, organization, corporation or person. Corporate members will be reviewed periodically by the Board of Directors to ensure compatibility with NGAGA values and interests.
g. Honorary: By majority vote of the Board, membership may be issued to any person who has rendered outstanding service to the United States, any political subdivision thereof, the Georgia National Guard, or the National Guard Association of Georgia, Incorporated.
h. Complimentary: Active-Annual Membership will be issued to all commissioned officers and warrant officers for a period of one full year and any portion of the year in which appointed. Membership begins upon initial state appointment, when reported to the Association, and ends 31 December of the following year.
The Membership Year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December. Annual dues shall be due and payable on or before the 1st of each membership year and no pro-ration shall be made for membership after that date.
2. Privileges
An Association Member, other than an Associate-Annual or Life, Corporate, or Honorary, may serve as:
a. An officer of the Association
b. A member of the Board of Directors
c. A member of a Standing or Special Committee (spouses of Association members may also serve)
d. A delegate to any General Conference
3. Meetings
a. An annual, General Conference for the election of Officers and Directors, for the consideration of reports, and for such other business as may be brought before the meeting shall be held at such time as may be designated by the Board of Directors (hereinafter “Board”). If competing requirements or lack of available funds prevent the Association from conducting a formal, in-person session, all required business may be conducted electronically with the entire NGAGA membership.
b. Special meetings of the Members may be called by the President, the President Elect, a majority of the Board of Directors, or by fifty percent (50%) of the Members.
4. Place of Meetings
Meetings of the General Conference or Members may be held at any place within or without the State of Georgia. If no designation is made, the place of meeting shall be the Joint Force Headquarters of the Georgia National Guard (JFHQ-GA).